Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ceramic shell fired + casting finished! (Picture heavy)

Went to school, and the burn out of the wax had already been finished. The ceramic shell was ready to go! Casting was right around the corner!

The fired ceramic shell with my project # tag attached

The shell is ready for the bronze to be poured

Okay!! So I went to school on the day of the casting to hear that it was already done a few days before, while I was butter sculpting at the Royal Winter Fair (pics to follow). Sadly, that meant that I missed the bronze pour, but it also meant that my piece was ready to be de-vested. Enough talk, onto the photos!!

De-vesting was a success!!!

Wow!!! She survived

The remnants of my ceramic shell

Fresh out of the mold!!

Little shrinkage happened in the process of casting, quite a success

Ready for grinding!

Tune in tomorrow for more updates and patina samples!!!