Monday, March 26, 2012

Ready for Molding

Added eyes to the sculpt, the piece is complete and ready. It is currently under a layer of silicone now, but here are some pictures I took before I started making the mold.

Thanks for looking!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Round Two

Here's a couple more pictures after i got a bit of work done on the ears. Eyes still need to be put in. This will most likely be cast in a lightweight, colored resin.

Thanks for looking!

Something a bit different

Long time no post. Started on something new the other day. It's unlike what I normally model, so it's been a fun experience.

A little more cartoonish than usual

Ear in progress

Rhino and Labbit overlooking my process

Thanks for checking in, stay tuned for an image of a rough sketch of my idea for the finished piece.