Hello. I will be using this blog to document my works for you to look at as well as to stay up to date on any project I may be working on.
A few weeks ago, I started working on one of my favorite sculptures to date (that being said, I only started Sculpture this semester, so it's one of the few sculptures I have actually created). I wanted to make something that I could enjoy forever, something I could be emotionally attached to. I chose to sculpt a cow. It is about 1:30 scale. Here are some progress photos.
Sadly I didn't have my camera handy for the entire process so I had to take photos with my webcam. Here are a few more with the legs on their way to completion.
That poor cows legs had to be removed and resculpted |
On their way |
Me in my studio aka my bedroom |
There are still a few more photos I have yet to move to my computer. They will be posted later tonight.
Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera handy to take photos of my gating system. It may have been fairly simple but it was still very interesting to look at. I will be taking some photos of my ceramic shell today, so stay alert for updates. Thank you for looking.